With online classes in full swing, the time is now to go on that trip that you and your best
girlfriends have always been wanting to take. Traveling can be hard with where to go and what
supplies you might need during the trip, so grab your best friends and listen up because here are
some helpful tips to make sure your road trip is full of lasting memories.
One essential in a road trip are snacks. It is not a want but a need. Stopping at your local grocery
store , whether that be a Trader Joe’s or Kroger, to get your favorite snacks to help supply you
with the fuel you will need to get through this exciting but hectic trip!
Location : Los Compadres grocery
One item we tend to procrastinate to get as long as we can is gas. Although we love the idea of a
full tank, we tend to dread the process. So how can we change that? Easy. Your friends and a
whole look that’s comfortable but not boring to spice up the trip. Grab your favorite flannel from
your dad’s closet, pair of jeans you adore, and comfortable yet fashionable sneakers to create a
bomb fit!
Location: Automatic Pizza
Last, your last spot is where you park your car, but that’s not the end of your road trip. Look
around and play some music or watch the sunset on the rooftop of the garage. These are the
moments in life you are going to remember forever and cherish even when you grow old. So
forget your worries and your troubles for just this time and focus on the happiness that your best
friends are surrounding you with and go live your life!
Location: North Campus parking deck
Written by Sarah Harden